Bollywood Movie Review Prakash Electronic

Prakesh Electronic, is the first Hindi movie of the 2017. This story follows Prakesh. As the story starts, he is left orphaned. His family then takes advantage of him and weasels their way into his inheritance. Prekash grows up into a man and as the story follows who is in middle age.Our hero is an electrician (played by the character actor Hemant Pandey).Though he’s a pretty good electrician; he does most of his work no cost for his community. With his motto, “Ready to Help Even at Midnight.” He has a shop called, “Prakash Electronics.”

Our story follows his life and how it changes when a beautiful young girl (Barkha) moves into his town. Barkha is played by Hrishita Bhatt). She is quite the high maintenance type, prima donna.

Everything in his life begins to turn upside down as he begins to interact with this girl. He really wants to marry her but he is stuck in old ways, traditions, and thought patterns which block his for pursuing her.Hopefully, he can get over his ways and finally get together with this the would-be love of his life.

He doesn’t like actresses or those that work in film so that makes is difficult as Barkha is a would-be actresses with big dreams.

It is a comedy so we know that with many twists, turns, and many mishaps are going to follow our characters. Everyone is hoping for a happy ending for our dear introverted Prakesh. He is such a nice guy you really do begin to feel for him and all of the things he’s went through.

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Unfortunately, our story really plays out much like in a exaggerated, soap opera type way. This film, seems to not have very much consistency to it at all. Jumping all over the place with random scenes, twists, turns, breakups and makeups.

Which, is disappointing due to the fact that it’s written and directed by the talented and popular Manoj Sharma. Which is very successfully writer and director in any right. However, it just doesn’t transfer at all to this film.

The composition, lyrics, and music are by Praveen Bharadwaj.

Unfortunately, this film has been rated and reviewed very low on the scale. Hardly even registering even two stars. Many are even are unfortunately calling it pathetic.So, it seems that you can skip this one and save your money. As it’s much like the same as many other low-budget comedies.

Genre: Bollywood, Hindi, Comedy, Romance

Cast:Hrishitaa Bhatt,VrajeshHirjee, ManojPawa,Hemant Pandey, Sanjay Mishram, Chandrachur Singh

Director:Manoj Sharma

Producer:Rajneet Jain, Rajesh Jain, “Pinky”, Bhartesh Jain, and Viny Raj Modi

Writer/Screenplay:Manoj Sharma

Production Company: Shri Wardhman Movie Ventres, Himalayan Dreams, Prachi Movie India, India E-Commerce Ltd.

Release Date: January 6th, 2017 in India

Movie Run-time: 2 hours and 6 minutes

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